Good Food Lekoufu (樂口福) at Parker place Richmond

Food Quality
Atmosphere / Services
Reasonable Priced

I admit it doesn’t look very appealing, but they actually taste pretty good. The only complain I have about the taste is the flavour only comes from the sauce. I ordered the steak with black pepper on rice. The chef covered the plate of rice with two large thin pieces of steak on top. Then the front staff opens a pre-mixed black pepper sauce and gave me 3 scoops. Good Food Lekoufu is a Cantonese Cafe style restaurant. These restaurants are known for their massive portion of carbohydrates and minimal protein. For $12, I got a small cold drink and the meat I got are a lot more than what I get from a $15 Cantonese Cafe. They have pretty bad presentation, and I don’t know how long the sauce have been in the big pot, but the food taste okay with it. It’s pretty much you get what you paid for. It’s not the best food here, but I have seen a lot worse. So, I can comfortably recommend this food stand for people who are looking for cheap eat.

Good Food Lekoufu Steak with black pepper on Rice

Good Food Lekoufu Steak with black pepper on Rice $12

Food Quality
Atmosphere / Services
Reasonable Priced

When I talk about Cantonese food, there are usually only 3 types of restaurants that come to my mind. They are either BBQ restaurants, Dim Dum, or Cafe. Good Food Lekoufu falls under the Cafe type of Cantonese restaurant located in the food court of Paker Place mall in Richmond.

Strength: Lots of meat compared to other Cafe Restaurants

Weakness: Flavour only comes from the sauce

Other Food court Stand

Good Food Lekoufu Logo

Good Food Lekoufu Logo
Good Food Lekoufu Logo

The logo is very simple. It has yellow background with blue text. They played on the words of “Good Food”. It’s not a very well designed logo, to be honest. We can foresee a no frill food stand from this logo though.

Located in the food court of Parker Place

Good Food Lekoufu Store front
Good Food Lekoufu Store front

Good Food Lekoufu is located in the same food court as Rainbow Cafe. They both have been around for a long time. One could say that these two food stands are the only reasons why some people visit Parker Place.

Daily special help customers decide

Good Food Lekoufu Daily special menu
Good Food Lekoufu Daily special menu

The menu is all over the place. They become part of the decoration of Good Food Lekoufu. The small display in front of the cashier shows the special of the day. They cost the same as on the menu, but comes with a soup or hot drink. Cold drink costs extra. Most restaurant would charge $1.00 more, but Good Food Lekoufu charge only $0.50.

Generous in giving out napkins and utensil

Good Food Lekoufu Utensil
Good Food Lekoufu Utensil

The owner of Good Food Lekoufu is very generous when giving out napkins. I got four pieces of napkin where most restaurants would only give out one. There are knife, spoon, and fork. I did not expect this, especially this is from a food court stand. Turns out, it was a good foresight. All of these utensils were fully utilized when I eat my meal.

Steak with black pepper on rice

Good Food Lekoufu Steak with black pepper on Rice
Good Food Lekoufu Steak with black pepper on Rice $12

I ordered the steak with black pepper on rice. The chef covered the plate of rice with two large thin pieces of steak on top. Then the front staff opens a pre-mixed black pepper sauce and gave me 3 scoops. I admit it doesn’t look very appealing, but they actually taste pretty good. The only complain I have about the taste is the flavour only comes from the sauce.

Thin steak works for the texture

Good Food Lekoufu Steak thickness
Good Food Lekoufu Steak thickness

Most people would complain about the thin steak. Let’s look at it at another angle. We are getting this from a food court. You won’t get the best part of the cow. There will be some tough parts that you cannot chew through. Having the steak really thin aid the chewing process. It provides a better texture for the meat. It is however still quite tough. Cutting through these areas may result in accidentally cutting the styrofoam plate underneath.

604 Food Critic Assessment

Good Food Lekoufu is a Cantonese Cafe style restaurant. These restaurants are known for their massive portion of carbohydrates and minimal protein. For $12, I got a small cold drink and the meat I got are a lot more than what I get from a $15 Cantonese Cafe. They have pretty bad presentation, and I don’t know how long the sauce have been in the big pot, but the food taste okay with it. It’s pretty much you get what you paid for. It’s not the best food here, but I have seen a lot worse. So, I can comfortably recommend this food stand for people who are looking for cheap eat.


How to get in touch

Good Food Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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