Egg & Co. Brunch

Food Quality
Atmosphere / Services
Reasonable Priced

I apologize for having to be so blunt and straight forward. The hashbrown is simply dreadful. The exterior is not crunchy. It feels like they have been fried and left aside for a while before it’s served. The interiors are all dried out. I could almost choke on them. Of course, the expensive and non-refillable coffee did not help. Ikea makes better hashbrowns than Egg & Co. I love hashbrowns, and it is very rare that I cannot finish the hashbrown.

Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny Inside

Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny Inside

Food Quality
Atmosphere / Services
Reasonable Priced

Strength: Relatively affordable brunch

Weakness: Very bad hashbrown, Slow service

Other Locations for Brunch

Egg & Co. is a restaurant specializing in breakfast. They provide breakfast from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm every day except Monday. They are relatively cheaper brunch located on Fraser Street near 26th Avenue.

The line up is a little ridiculous

Egg and Co Brunch Logo
Egg and Co Brunch Logo

We were lucky to arrive at 9:30 am and got a seat right away. During our stay, we see people come and go. Towards the end of our meal, we start seeing people lining up out front, but the inside has a lot of empty tables. I wasn’t sure why they weren’t letting more customers in. I just know that the restaurant is very transparent. Customers waiting in line can see what’s going on. I would be pissed if I were waiting.

Navy blue awning catches passerby attention

Egg and Co Brunch Front
Egg and Co Brunch Front

Looking from the front, Egg & Co. has a navy blue theme. Customers get to eat facing Fraser Street towards the East. There are also seatings on the sidewalk. When I asked if I could sit there, the staff informed me they do not serve food to those seats. When we go inside we were lucky enough to take the last 2 bar stools.

The interior looks trendy

Egg and Co Brunch Interior 1
Egg and Co Brunch Interior 1

The far wall and floor have a contrasting black and white pattern. There is one row of columns right down the center of the restaurant. A central communal table is around the columns. Two aisles go from the entrance to the back of the restaurant along the back of the chairs. The interior space is very tight. Check out the aisle space between the chairs of the girl in white and the girl in black.

Egg and Co Brunch Interior 2
Egg and Co Brunch Interior 2

Looking to the right we see a wall in Teal with circular mirrors on them. The use of color is very bold, but they do look nice.

Egg & Co. seems under-staffed.

Egg and Co Brunch Interior 3
Egg and Co Brunch Interior 3

Looking to the left, the entire wall is in yellow siding. This is what customers sitting at the bar is facing. A bartender is stationed here to take care of the food orders from the bar. However, it seems like Egg & Co. is under-staffed. The bartender is out helping with other tables most of the time.

Expensive Coffee

Egg and Co Brunch Filtered Coffee
Egg and Co Brunch Filtered Coffee by Timbertrain $3.25

The coffee was very expensive. For $3.25 plus tax and tips, this small cup of drip coffee is more expensive than most hipster coffee places.

Smoked Meat Benny

Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny
Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny $14

My smoked meat benedict has a good presentation. The hollandaise has grained mustard, unlike the smooth ones I’m used to. The saturated yellow color looks appetizing. Interestingly enough, it also matches the wall in front of me.

Dreadful Hashbrowns

Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny 2
Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny $14

I apologize for having to be so blunt and straight forward. The hashbrown is simply dreadful. The exterior is not crunchy. It feels like they have been fried and left aside for a while before it’s served. The interiors are all dried out. I could almost choke on them. Of course, the expensive and non-refillable coffee did not help. Ikea makes better hashbrowns than Egg & Co. I love hashbrowns, and it is very rare that I cannot finish the hashbrown. As a reference, The Gray Olive Cafeteria ‘s hashbrown is the best I have ever had.

Check out my egg cutting skill

Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny Inside
Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny Inside

First cut, no cheating. I sliced right past the yolk and revealed this beautiful interior view of the smoked meat benny. The English muffin was a little hard to cut through, partly because of the standard knife not sharp enough. Egg & Co. can increase their customer’s eating pleasure by simply using sharper knives. This will reduce unnecessary stress, at least for me.

What happens when someone drops a sausage on your poached egg

Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny4
Egg and Co Brunch Smoked Meat Benny $14

The yolk is a little runny, but all egg white are properly cooked. Hollandaise sauce on top has a strong and distinct taste. They are not rich and creamy like the normal ones. I believe the grain mustard dried it out. From this picture, you can see the hollandaise sauce start to form a crust on top of the egg.

Egg & Co. Breakfast

Egg and Co Brunch Egg & Co. Breakfast
Egg and Co Brunch Egg & Co. Breakfast $13

This is the “Egg & Co. Breakfast”, their basic breakfast. I’m not going to talk about the hashbrown because it’s still dreadful. Bacon was fried with a press so it stayed flat. I like that presentation. The ham was a little dry but tolerable. The sausage has a lot of flavour with a bit of spicy kick at the end. I was glad it is on this plate of breakfast. The bread was a failed attempt to provide an alternative to toast. In my opinion, if you want to upgrade, go all out and give artisan sourdough. Otherwise, I’m perfectly fine with a generic piece of toast.

604 Food Critic Assessment

The bill came to $17 per person. This price point is cheaper than a couple of other brunch places by 4 to 8 dollars. Located in the Vancouver Eastside on Fraser Street, I can understand a lot of the business decisions here. Their egg benny was done very well. This is enough to convince me they deserve the name. The meats have a lot of flavour. As we discussed, carbs are bad. If you don’t care about carbs in your brunch, Egg & Co. has awesome food with a very good price point.


How to get in touch

Egg & Co. Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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