
Sushi Bang Cantonese styled Japanese Restaurant

Sushi Bang is operated by Cantonese. The food served here lack integrity from real Japanese food. Average-grade ingredients created average food. Their relocation caused the increased price, but the increase in food quality is almost non-existent. This type of Cantopanese restaurant is not for me but may cater to some people. I have no problem paying the default 15% tips because the service is not that bad. However, it should’ve been given, not requested. I don’t recommend it because I cannot justify a $15 un-authentic Japanese bento box.

Sushi Mura, Korean Japanese Restaurant

I do enjoy the food here for its taste. However, when a someone call themselves a “Japanese Restaurant” I critique them using Japanese Restaurant standard. With this set of criteria, Sushi Mura is not good restaurant. They did not carry any of the Japanese culture, finesse, or belief. Sushi Mura feels like an operation of some Korean guys jumping on the “Japanese Food” band wagon to make some quick cash.

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