
Rogue Kitchen & Wetbar

The meat was ground sirloin meat that is cooked to be slight pink on the inside and it is quite juicy. There were literally meat juice flowing down the side of the burger as I eat. The smoked bacon was sturdy, but could be a bit more crispy. I’m not a big fan of lettuce, tomato and pickles in my burger, but they do make the burger more interesting to eat.

The Viet Noodle Guy

I was wrong about The Viet Noodle Guy. They are not a trendy Vietnamese restaurant. It’s just your typical pho restaurant in a new building that charge you higher price. The poor service is definitely a downside that hit this restaurant hard. After all, why would I pay to be treated like I did if the food did not even attract me that much? For $20 per person, The Viet Noodle Guy is way too costly for what they have to offer. Not recommended.

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